Bestsellers &s; give-aways


Candy bag

Candy bag - 10x 44,5g € 29,95
bag filles with sweets


Meringue letter S 60g € 3,49
pink or yellow
Saint's boat filled with candy 82g € 5,95
Saint's boat filled with chocolate, meringues and sweets
Saint's XL boat filled with chocolate 145g € 12,95
Saint's boat filled with chocolate shapes of Saint Nicolas and Peter

Chocolate shapes

Saint hollow chocolate shape 26cm/150g € 4,95
milk chocolate
Assortment chocolate shapes Saint Nicolas - 105g € 3,95
milk chocolate

Little treats

Saint Nicolas cuddle 30cm € 9,95
Peter cuddle 30cm € 9,95
Saint's horse cuddle 30cm € 9,95
Chocololly - silo 20x 15g € 10,95
price / pc       € 0,54
Fondant frogs & mices - 12x 16g € 3,25
fondant covered with chocolate
net filled with little chocolate shapes - 75g € 2,25
chocolate shapes Saint Nicolas and Peter | milk chocolate

Gift paper

gift paper - roll 250 x 50cm € 1,95
multiple prints
Theme giftlabels and stickers - 46st € 2,95
16 labels and 30 stickers
* prices excluding tax

Candy bag SMALL (44,5g)
packing unit: 10x 44,5

Meringue letter S(aint) (60g)
color: roze of geel

Saint''s boat with with sweets
content: milk chocolate shape, lentilles and marshmallows
weight: 82g

Saint's XL boat with with milk chocolate shapes
weight: 145g

Hollow milk chocolate shape of Saint Nicolas
size: 26cm
weight: 150g

Theme hollow milk chocolates shapes
bag 105g

Saint Nicolas cuddle 30cm
polyester, wasbaar

Peter knuffel 30cm
polyester, wasbaar

Amerigo, Saint's horse cuddle 30cm
polyester, wasbaar

Chocololly's Sint
silo 20x 15g

Fondant covered with milk chocolate
shape: frogs & mices
contents: 12x 16g

Netje filled with milk chocolate shapes of Saint & Peter
milk chocolate
weight: 75g

Theme giftlabels and stickers
16 labels and 30 stickers