Saint Nicolas costum & Black Peter costums

Black Peter costum:
Saint Nicolas costum:
velvety coat
under shirt

Black Peter costum

blouse, trousers and baret € 65,-
red/blue | 1-size
blouse, trousers and baret € 65,-
green/black | 1-size

Accessoires Black Peter

wig € 9,95
colour: black | 1-size
collar € 7,50
colour: white | material: fabric
tights € 9,95
colour: black | 1-size
gloves € 4,95
colour: black | 1-size
ear rings € 4,95
1 set
make-up € 4,95
black schmink and red lipstick

Saint Nicolas costum

velvety coat, mitre, stole and under shirt € 299,-
nice quality

Accessoires Saint Nicolas

wig and beard € 65,-
white wig, beard, moustache and eyebrows
gloves € 4,95
colour: white | size: XL
gloves € 4,95
colour: white | size: XXL
tights € 9,95
colour: white | 1-size
cross & ring € 6,95
necklace with cross and ring


Flag line € 4,95
length: 10m
* prices exclusing tax [ only applicable for EU-residents ]

Black Peter costum
trousers, blouse, baret
colour: red/blue | green/black

Accessoires Black Peter costum
black wig
white collar
black maillot
black gloves
ear rings

Saint Nicolas costum
velvety coat, mitre, stole and under shirt

Accessoires Saint Nicolas costum:
wig & beard, moustache and eyebrows
white gloves XL | XXL
white tights
necklace with cross and seal ring

Flagline 10m